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SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition I

The SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition 

is an event initiated and executed by SpaceX at its headquarters in California, U.S. The Hyperloop system is an approximately 1,6 kilometer long tube with 180 centimeter outer diameter. In January 2017, the company offered its Hyperloop transportation services to 27 University teams from across the world in the first Hyperloop Pod Competition at the SpaceX track. The competition’s goal was and still is to accelerate the development of functional prototypes and encourage innovation by challenging teams to design and build the best high-speed pod. After structural, functional, mechanical, navigational, and vacuum tests, our team got the chance to first enter the tube with our pod. This competition was the first of its kind anywhere in the world and Keio Alpha was ranked among the top-ten teams.

Our vision is an alternative high-speed transportation system in Japan to encourage the development of satellite cities, in order to alleviate excessive urbanization of certain major cities and clustering of close suburban areas. Hyperloop could realize the „just-in-time“ mobility flow for people and goods.
SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition I

SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition I

Keio Alpha Hyperloop is a team of graduate students of Keio University, Japan and finalist in the Hyperloop Pod Competition by SpaceX
